Case study: Impact of Hypoderma lineatum upon live growth, carcass attributes, and hide grade of fed beef cattle
A case study evaluated the influence of cattle grubs on growth during the finishing phase, carcass attributes, and hide grade. At arrival processing (d 0), some crossbred bulls within a load of cattle were noted to be infested with the common cattle grub {Hypoderma lineatum (Villers)} and were treated with an anthelmintic. Cattle were palpated (d 12) to quantify rate of grub infestation; grubs were manually extracted from the left side of animals whereas right-side grubs remained. Two grub-infested cattle were euthanized (d18) to quantify hide and carcass damage. Cattle were periodically weighed (d 12, 40, 70, 96, 124, 152, 180, 208, 234, 236, 264) to assess growth between grub-free and grub-infested animals. Finished cattle were commercially slaughtered (n=9 on d 234; n=19 on d 264); individual quality and yield grade parameters were assessed. Hides were individually identified and tracked through de-fleshing, de-hairing, and blue-chroming processes; blue-chrome hides were graded as #1, #2, or #3 hides. No difference in initial weight (P=0.89), finished weight (P=0.35), average daily gain (P=0.59), hot carcass weight (P=0.38), longissimus muscle area (P=0.91), 12th rib subcutaneous fat depth (P=0.64), KPH fat (P=0.38), or yield grade (P=0.84) was detected between grub-free and grub-infested cattle...
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