Compost Type Affects Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.) Invasion
poultry litter, dariy compost, yard waste compost, bermudagrassAbstract
A study was conducted on the Texas A&M-Commerce campus in Commerce, TX to evaluate the rate of bermudagrass reestablishment following incorporation of 4 different compost blends. Five beds were created by mechanically removing bermudagrass from an area approximately 60 cm (24”) wide and 300 cm (120”) long. All beds were tilled to a depth of 15 cm (6”). Compost was added at the following rates: 1) poultry litter compost (PLC) @ 10 tons / ac, 2) yard waste compost (YWC) @ 20 tons / ac, 3) dairy compost (DC) @ 10 tons / ac, or 4) a mix of dairy and poultry litter compost @ 10 tons / ac. The remaining bed had no compost added and was used as a control. EC and pH did not differ between compost types, but N was slightly higher in PLC. Compost type had a strong effect on bermudagrass invasion. By day 30, PLC and YWC had significantly more coverage than other treatments. The PLC plots covered significantly faster, achieving 100% coverage by day 60. All compost plots reached at least 90% coverage by day 90. Coverage was significantly slower in the control plot, with full coverage not achieved until day 120.Downloads
How to Cite
Harp, D. A., Kee, D., Herschler, K., Ong, K., & Sloan, J. (2016). Compost Type Affects Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.) Invasion. Texas Journal of Agriculture and Natural Resources, 21, 82–86. Retrieved from
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